Thursday, February 26, 2015

#7 London Fashin Week fall/winter 2015

Fashion experts, world-famous stars, editors of fashion magazines, bloggers, photographers, all in one place.London Fashion Week.

One of the most important events where everyone show something special, what they like, and even the things they don't, but looks different and leaves a stamp.

The combination of different materials, different colors, details, represent something unique about fashon weeks.Everyone show themselves in a different way.


Modni znalci,svjetske poznate zvijezde,urednici modnih magazina,blogeri,fotografi svi na jednom mjestu. London Fashion week.

Jedan od vaznih dogadjaja gdje svako istakne ono sto je posebno,ono u cemu se lijepo osjeca,pa cak i ono u cemu se lijepo ne osjeca,ali izgleda drugacije i ostavlja neki pecat.
Spoj razlicitih materijala,razlicitih boja,detalja predstavlja nesto sto obiljezava nedelju mode.Svako pokaze sebe na drugaciji nacin.

                                                  -be classy-

Sunday, February 22, 2015

#6 Celebrity street style - Miranda Kerr

Celebrity street style is a post that we'll publish at the end of each week. We'll choose a celebrity who will be the topic and put up some of their outfits in which we find inspiration.

This time it will be one of the Victoria secret angels-top model Miranda Kerr.One of the most stylized  women on the world.Her style is characterized by dark colors, prints and striking structure, her favorite accessories are hat and glasses.

She likes the combination of short skirts and light blouses.During the day she wears casual outfits,and  materials that she wears the most are tulle, leather and lace.


Celebrity street style je post koji cemo izbacivati na kraju svake nedelje. Odabracemo jednu poznatu licnost koja ce biti tema posta i postavicemo par njihovih outfita u kojima mi pronalazimo inspiraciju.

Ovaj put ce to biti jedan od Viktorijinih andjela top-model Miranda Keer.Jedna od najstilizovanijih zena na svijetu.Njen stil karakterisu tamne boje,upecatljive strukture i printovi,a omiljeni asesoari su joj sesiri i naocare.
Voli kombinaciju kratke suknje i lagane bluze.Tokom dana je u casual stilu.a od materijala najvise nosi til,kozu i cipku.

                                                  -  be young, wild and free -

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#5 DIY decor

If you have free time and do not know how to use it do something that will keep you entertained.
We will give you suggestions on how to do this.
We have singled out a few ideas that will inspire you to create something creative or useful.
To make phenomenal pieces from ordinary of things that you use in every day life.

You just need to be original.


Ako ste slobodni i ne znate kako iskoristiti vrijeme uradite nesto sto ce vas zabaviti. 
Mi cemo vam dati predloge kako to da uradite.
Izdvojile smo par ideja koje ce vas inspirisati da napravite nesto kreativno ali i korisno.
Da od najobicnije stvari napravite fenomenalan komad.
Trebate samo biti originalni.



                                              - be creative-