Fashion experts, world-famous stars, editors of fashion magazines, bloggers, photographers, all in one place.London Fashion Week.
One of the most important events where everyone show something special, what they like, and even the things they don't, but looks different and leaves a stamp.
The combination of different materials, different colors, details, represent something unique about fashon weeks.Everyone show themselves in a different way.
Modni znalci,svjetske poznate zvijezde,urednici modnih magazina,blogeri,fotografi svi na jednom mjestu. London Fashion week.
Jedan od vaznih dogadjaja gdje svako istakne ono sto je posebno,ono u cemu se lijepo osjeca,pa cak i ono u cemu se lijepo ne osjeca,ali izgleda drugacije i ostavlja neki pecat.
Spoj razlicitih materijala,razlicitih boja,detalja predstavlja nesto sto obiljezava nedelju mode.Svako pokaze sebe na drugaciji nacin.
-be classy-